
Pet Ultrasounds at Complete Pet Care

Our on-site ultrasound equipment is a part of our veterinarians’ diagnostic system, used to get an in-depth look at what’s going on inside your pet. It is particularly useful in diagnosing concerns with a pet’s heart and soft tissues.

As a pet owner, you may have concerns related to how an ultrasound will affect your pet. The ultrasound test is used by veterinarians all over the U.S. for a good reason: the process is safe, painless and totally noninvasive. This imaging tool is recommended to create the best care plan for your pet.

Complete Pet Care includes this type of imaging and ensures the staff is highly trained in using the ultrasound equipment so the imaging can be done on the same day it’s needed. Many animal hospitals do not offer this type of imaging on-site, and instead refer patients to other locations.

Discover how we can help with your medical ultrasonography needs

We’re proud to offer ultrasounds to pets in Raleigh, Wake Forest and the surrounding areas because our goal is always to provide pets and pet owners with high-quality veterinary services. This includes using the best technology available to ensure the best treatment.

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What is Medical Ultrasonography for Pets?

A dog or cat ultrasound acts as a diagnostic tool that creates ultrasound waves to gather an internal image of your pet’s body. These type of tests are different from X-rays in that they do not use radiation. Instead, they use high-frequency sound waves.

An ultrasound is a non-invasive, painless procedure for your pet. At our Complete Pet Care locations in Raleigh and Wake Forest, NC, these ultrasounds are used to generate diagnostic soft tissue exams. Additionally, ultrasounds provide information about your pet’s heart health, including their heart valves and the contractions of the entire heart muscle, as well as blood flow through their heart.

These high-performance ultrasounds are fast, simple and precise. Using forward-thinking technology, the images have excellent clarity and allow our experienced veterinarians to get a deeper understanding of your pet’s needs. Because we have the equipment on-site, we can do it all in one day, too.

When Is an Ultrasound Recommended for Pets?

Our veterinarians will recommend an ultrasound when they feel the cause of a pet’s pain or discomfort is internal and related to soft tissues or the heart. Examples of when an ultrasound may be recommended include:

  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Signs that there may be fluid in the abdomen

An ultrasound can be the tool that’s needed to determine if your pet ate a sock or other household item and is unable to digest and pass it. Another common reason our veterinarians may use ultrasonography is to detect pregnancy in your pet. The imaging gives the veterinarian the opportunity to see masses in your pet’s soft tissue.

This diagnostic tool is a crucial element for our veterinarians to determine the best next steps for your pet, which can range from no action at all to surgery. Usually, an ultrasound can be used to confirm that surgery or a procedure that may require specialized experience or equipment is needed for your pet.

An ultrasound showing there’s nothing wrong with your pet is better than putting a pet into surgery — and using anesthesia and making incisions — unnecessarily.

At Complete Pet Care, we offer medical ultrasonography on-site so you don’t have to go to another location to understand what’s going on inside your pet. Our goal is to get your pet healthy and happy again as soon as possible.

If your pet is acting unusual and you’re in Raleigh, Wake Forest or the surrounding areas, contact Complete Pet Care to schedule an appointment to discuss their symptoms and the possibility of using ultrasonography testing.

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